Saturday, August 31, 2019

Road Safety Measures

Introduction- Road Accident is collision between any vehicles (for example car, truck, motorcycle etsectra) or it can be with any pedestrian, animal or the hindrance placed in the middle of the road. The accident occurred could result in many injuries or damage to the property. There are various factors which come into account which can be the reason of accident that is design of the road, driver's impairment and vehicle design which can cause serious and most dangerous types of accidents. This essay is based on the prevention of car accidents on the roads mainly on the streets of Dubai.Defining the Problem- What is the Problem? – The provision of highways are resulting in convenience for the peoples but the main problem which is faced by the government of any country is that the more frequent road accidents which are happening on the highways which results in severe damage in form of man power or infrastructure and mainly it is happening in big cities like UAE or Dubai which are having large road transport. The problem is basically small which is to be handled very carefully by the government; they have taken many measures to stop these huge accidents.Whenever a road accident takes place there is various types of damage which takes place which could be in the form of human beings which is also a victim, infrastructure which is damage to the government and other administration damages which occurs during accident. There is heavy cost to all above types of damages which has to be paid during accident which increase the complication if every day there will hundreds of accidents across the country which would directly affect the economy of the country such as UAE.There is a cost which has to be paid by the victim's family which cause great problem financially, the property is damaged due to the accident which also affect government financially indirectly. There is also some administration cost which will undergo due to the accident. Reason- The main reason behind the accidents which occur so frequently on the roads of UAE is that inattention which is given during driving a car. There would probably lesser amount of accidents if proper attention and rules are followed during traveling. There could be reason related to weather which lso come into effect into the reason behind accident which is of course a natural reason, the fog which causes less appearance of on coming vehicles could result in accidents. The other main reason which can cause massive accident is consumption of alcohol during driving. There are some stats related to the car accidents in UAE- * Mostly 92% men are responsible for the death occurred during accident and only 8% women are responsible. * Accidents at night made up 45% of the total fatalities. * Private vehicles cause 1164 accidents taking a toll of 167 lives. The average ratio of death due to accident in UAE was 1 in every 28 hours. Cause of Accidents- There are four factors which are responsible for these ty pes of road car accidents which are- Equipment Failure- The failure of some equipment inside the machine working of a car resulting into serious car accident is known as Accident due to Equipment Failure. These could be of various types such as failing of break, bursting of tire, tread separations or the problem could occur in steering/suspension. Roadway Design- The accidents which occur due to the irregular design of roads are known as accidents due to Roadway Design.It could occur through hazardous visibility which consists of merging lanes, livestock or pedestrian crossings, crests and troughs etc. The accident also occurs due to the irregular surface of the roads which causes imbalance of the vehicle and results into collision with another vehicle or infrastructure. Poor Roadway Maintenance- Poor roadway maintenance also contributes to some of the car accidents. There could be debris in the way of the road which could create problems for the traveler which is responsibility of local highway department, faded road sign and potholes could be another cause for the major road accident.Driver Behavior- The main and foremost cause is driver's behavior other than three causes discussed above which constitutes only 5% of the cause of the road accidents and 95% depends on this one. Various surveys has been done in which there is a study which comes out to be that only 5% driver's committed their own mistake in the accident and a major of 80 % believe that the other driver should have done something to stop the accident to occur. Current Policy- There are various policies which has been started or being formed for the increasing road accidents on the roads of UAE.There is an immediate need for the adoption of government's policies which could change the face of the accidents in the positive manner. Recently there is a conference been held in Abu Dhabi which was 15th Road Safety conference of four continents under the patronage of the vice president and prime minist er of United Arab of Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AL Maktoum. This conference was mainly organized by National Transport Authority (NTA) and with collaboration with other groups such as GRPS, FERSI, TRB and many more.This was the first road safety conference which will going to follow United Nation Assembly resolution A/64/L. 44/Rev1 on safety of roads. The aim to conduct this conference was to follow the path being adopted by the UN assembly resolution and to support the declaration being done in Moscow to improve the safety measures on road. This conference was great platform for the government to adopt the measures which are being adopted and technical methods which are better than their methods could be adopted and being implemented to construct a safe world to live in which is free from ant accident.It was a great platform to debate for road safety issues and to discuss them and the measurement for the improvement of safety measures. There should be organization of futu re events and form a close relationship with transport institutions and the government authorities to work on the topic of road safety which can reduce the number of accidents which took place these days. The conclusion of this conference come out with the understanding that all the participants that is the countries or the nations which have participated in the conference will follow the guidance given by the United Nations on the road safety measures.There should be implementation of the strategic plan such as â€Å"Zero Vision† which is famous in some countries in Europe which should be encouraged by the United Arab of Emirates government as well as the agency under which this project will go should handle it with care. Government' s Reaction- The accidents which are taking place in the UAE region of Arab countries are getting out of the alarming situation so there is a need of taking protective measures by the government to enhance the education related to the safety adop tion during driving to avoid the risk of accident.There are various policies which have been introduced by the UAE government to ensure that there is less number of accidents in the country. There are various system introduced to control the accidents which takes place at the highway like introduction of fine system, black points and application like radars should be installed. So these systems should be discussed in detail to understand their uniqueness System of fine-There is an introduction of fine in various countries for the breaking of traffic rules to control the ongoing accident on the highways or on the street but the fine system which is applied in the United Arab Emirates region is somehow little harsh from other countries because of the diversified atmosphere of that country and the large amount of vehicles running daily from one destination to other. There are more than hundreds of offences which are made under the rule which involves handsome amount of money which is t o be given by the culprit if he/she found guilty of any one of them.There are some examples which could be given to show you how strict is the government of UAE * Not wearing seat belt there is a fine of 100 AED * If there is some change found in the fundamental of engine without permit then a fine of 400 AED * Driving a vehicle which is creating lots of pollution then there is a fine of 300 AED * Driving without number plate then there is fine of 200 AED * Overloading can charge an individual with 200 AED Driving a vehicle which is not having a license from license authority could be charged with a toll of 200 AED. So above points describing fine are some of the fines which have described here very shortly instead they are having a big list of them. The system is introduced with a purpose of reducing the irrelevant trafficking and reduction of accidents which are taking place in the country at the faster rate. Radar System- Various countries are adopting high tech facilities to con trol the rate of accidents which is touching the sky.There are technical gadgets which are available in the market which could detect the speed of a vehicle from few kilometers before which could help in controlling the speeds of the vehicle which is the main reason for the accidents. For example there is radar installed somewhere at the place on highway which used to keep track of the speed of ongoing vehicles and if found some vehicle is running at the speed which too high then the censors of radar will give the indication about it.This system and other various measures which have been initialized by the government have reduced the rate of accidents which were taking place earlier. You will be shocked through the stats that death due to road accidents in Dubai has fallen short by 27 percent in the first nine months of the last year which are the figures being given by the Road and Transport Authority (RTA). There has been loads of effort being given by the UAE ministry of Interior in making the roads safer for the pedestrians and the motorists. Black Points-This system is introduced basically in the UAE in which there are points given on the basis of breaking the rules or committing any mistakes during driving along with the fine being charged. These points collectively if crosses a standard limit which has been specified by the government could result into cancellation of the driving license or could be even worse than that by cancelling the license of the vehicle and taking the vehicle into their custody. So these were few measures which are being taken by the government of UAE at the superior level to prevail UAE as the Best Global cities in the world by 2015.There is a signing of memorandum between Road and Transport Authority (RTA) and the ministry to involve road safety in the top agenda and to increase improving the driving standards and the safety measures which are being took by the people. Alternative Policy- The policies which are been introduced by the government or some of them which are in the line are discussed in the above topics but the help or the measures which an individual could take has its own preferences. There are some policies which could be added in the list of the safety rules can help hem a lot to somehow decrease the accidents being taking place at the highway or on the streets. There should be launching of nation wide campaigns which could help in providing information regarding the road safety measures being adopted and to make people aware of the rules which are being introduced in the rule books. There are around 11551 injuries and simultaneous deaths on the streets of Dubai and there are 17 deaths which took place weekly in Dubai which is quite shocking with the stats.There are websites which conduct online test to test the knowledge of the road laws of the people which have another purpose also which is to make aware people about various laws and protective measures which they can take while driving. There should be formation of different associations which could take part in making the rules of road safety implemented in every part of the country and help the government in reducing the rate of accidents and which should provide various new invented measures which could be implemented and will be helpful in decreasing the rate of accidents, the government should take these type of ideas.There is very sharp division on the speed breakers which are situated on the highways could be placed with the forewarning boards and properly colored which could be seen from a distance but the travelers feel that speed breakers are not necessary on the highways but the villagers which understands the necessity of the breakers for their safety from the fast running vehicles. So these ways we have seen the division of mentality. There should be jurisdictional restriction on speed limit of different types of vehicle which are running like anything on the roads or highways resulting into very bad accidents.There should be some technically installment of the limit of speed which could be set accordingly to the traffic running at that place. The criteria of providing license should be made harsher which could only give chance to the perfect drivers which could provide a better chance of decreasing the accident rate. There should be various level of testing the driving of an individual which result in total inspection of the people that how much they know and is it safer to give them license to drive vehicle. The Non-Governing Organizations (NGOs) should come in front to put extra effort on the safety measures being introduced by the government.There are mechanical failures which could occur in vehicle apart from it there are mainly driver's fault which could result in severe massive accidents resulting into loss of many lives with them. Nowadays people are consuming alcohol and driving vehicle which could result into serious accident so the policy should be made to check the a lcohol consumption which should not be found more than a standard level as set by the government. There are cops which are posted at some place on the highways to check for these types of faults with breath taking machines which indicates if there is overconsumption of alcohol.Sometimes there are accidents which occur due to improper sign boards being placed on the roads. The proper planning of city could make a city free from accident which can be made by taking such types of protective measures such as sidewalks should be made to avoid walking on the roads which could decrease in the road hitting cases in the city, the crossing which is made should be made more uplifted to save pedestrian, there should be the facility for separate lanes for the two wheeler, three wheeler vehicles which can travel in only one row to avoid the risk of accidents.The activities like talking on cell phone, listening to music while driving should be avoided by an individual by themselves which could ser iously harm their lives and is termed as very dangerous. The government should walk through every rural and urban area to educate the people and launch campaign at very big level to involve as many people as it can so that more and more people are being introduced to the new technologies which are rapidly being involved in the traffic rules.There should be collaboration which could be made with other countries to improve the conditions which is at present, more and more conferences should be organized within country to establish a base of road safety and there should be exchange of information and ideas between different people having different mindset which could help in building more ideas regarding safety of the people of the country. The road design is also sometimes responsible for the accidents which should be made properly.In some researches it has been shown that proper design and maintenance, with well designed intersections, proper installation of traffic control devices c ould make significant improvement in the rates of accidents. There should be no mechanical default in the vehicle which is actually 5% of the accidents which take place but there should adequate measures which should be taken by individual like proper wearing of seatbelts, time to time service of the vehicle to avoid any risk during long run and other measures which should be taken by the drivers to drive safely on the highways which is the place of aving maximum risk of accident. The driver which is driving a car should be well educated enough to identify the roadside signboards to minimize human error so that risk of accident from human side decreases as low it can be. Conclusion- The car accidents are taking place at frequent rate in the country like United Arab of Emirate where number of highway are more which increases the rate of accident, the protective measure should be taken by an individual while driving a vehicle which has been introduced in above points.There are various policies which are introduced by the government to decrease the alarming situation of the rate of accidents occurring in UAE. There are stats which are shocking about the deaths of the people occurred during the accidents, these can only be improved when there is an initialization from every person of the nation and if full support is achieved by the government of the country then there are chances to calm down the temperature of the rate of accident occurring at highway. Read more:  http://www. businessteacher. org. uk/free-management-essays/road-accident. php#ixzz2OL0YNSNs

Friday, August 30, 2019

Examples of how changes in the environment affect organisations Essay

According to Rob Watkins (2008) organisations are entities made up of interrelated parts which are intertwined with the outside world (the external environment). Business organizations and firms have to be wary of external influences that can affect their organization this can be a positive affect or negative effect. There are many factors that have an impact on the way organizations operate. Thus where an organization suffers from an external influence they need to adapt their products or services. Pestle stand for ‘Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental. In this report I am going to use 4 articles which are about a specific firm and discuss how each one suffers from one of the factors of the PESTLE analysis 1.Tube gets first Wi-Fi connection at Charing Cross 1.1Technology is one external factor from the PESTLE analysis, The article is about project Wi-Fi which is about the introduction of the first Wi-Fi access in London undergrounds by the company BT. The company I’m going to talk about is BT, they aim to put on a six-month trial which will allow commuters to connect to the internet while on the train, and enable them to check emails and browse the net. Investment in technology and innovation is seen as a key success for an enterprise (Rob Watkins, 2008, p10). BT trialling Wi-Fi on the tube is going to have a positive effect on its sale for broadband as more customers are going to be enticed by its additional benefit of using the broadband service on the tube while travelling for example to work. 1.2The article states how the service will be free for BT broadband customers as a result this may gain them a competitive advantage against the likes of other competitors such as Talk Talk and Virgin. The reason for this would be because customers might be more inclined to switch to BT internet service for this extra feature they provide that no other internet services offer. As the maturity of technology is developing and the use of technology is increasing, this means that BT are able promote their service and attract a wide range of internet users and become even more popular within the nation. 1.3Though this new implementation of technology can be very advantageous it does have its disadvantages, for example one disadvantage in this case is the implementation of Wi-Fi in the underground could put the city at risk of terrorist attacks and with the Olympics coming up it raises huge security concern. 1.4One Advantage of Wi-Fi in the tube would be more efficient as it would allow customers to check their email, complete some work they could be doing in the office, in the tube thus saving them time that could be better used by allowing them to do more work in the office that could improve the overall performance and making the company more money. 2.Nintendo hit as high Yen takes its toll on business 2.1Economic factor is another external influence from the PESTLE analysis, an organization has to be wary of these factors as it can have consequences on the businesses aggregate performance. For example the article states how due to the price of the Yen increasing this has caused Nintendo sales revenue to diminish as they are hit by the high ‘value’ of the Yen. The rising value of the Yen reduces the value of profits made abroad when converted back to the Japanese Yen. 2.2In all cases of changes in demand and supply the resulting changes in price act as both signals and incentives, a fall in demand is signalled by a fall in price, therefore this acts as incentive for firms to produce less of goods as they are now less profitable to produce. (Rob Watkins, 2008 pg 291). The article also states Nintendo sales also fell first half of the year partly due to lower demand for its Wii console. This will act as an incentive for Nintendo to stop producing more Wii consoles. 2.3Japan has little they can do with their currency, they are able to intervene in the currency market and do a lot of rounds of quantitative easing. However, this will not have lasting effects as competitive devaluation means it will be a race to the bottom as much larger countries, such as the US and China to also devalue which will only lead to temporary increases thus causing all parties to lose in the end. It’s also an expensive move that will ultimately return very little. Currency fluctuations are unavoidable as developing nations grow and weakening the Yen will only be a temporary solution for Japan. 3.Water to be tested from BP Oil Spill’ 3.1Environmental influence is another external factor from the PESTLE analysis, Environmental considerations are an important influence on business behaviour, particularly for the large companies. It is argued that businesses have a duty that goes beyond the organization and to a corporate social responsibility, particularly with regard to the environment. â€Å"Corporate social responsibility means that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities and their environment† (Rob Watkins, 2008, p652). 3.2The news article is about the ecological impact the BP oil spill caused to the waters, this article concerns that of south of New Orleans, US coast guard reported seeing an area of discoloured water which could be from the oil spill.. Overall this disaster has had negative impacts on the environment and also the company shares and profits had fallen dramatically. The discharge of oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico has also had major health concerns. 3.3Environmental disasters can cause the government to get involved; the government tend to impose heavy penalties which often have unfortunate consequence for the company. All countries have environmental laws and policies based on a regulatory regime imposed by governments at different spatial levels (Economics for business, Ian Worthington, Chris Britton, Andy Rees P435). 3.4Environmental factors can have consequences on small firms that operate within the affected areas. For example the article states s that â€Å"local fishermen have reported seeing miles-long strings of weathered oil on the sea†. This disaster can affect animals and their habitats in the sea and thus can have negative impact on local fishermen’s supply and livelihood. 4.EU to launch Google search investigation 4.1The legal factor is another influence from the PESTLE analysis; Businesses operate within a framework of law which has a significant impact on various aspects of their existence (Rob Watkins, 2008 Pg 11). This article states â€Å"The EU launched a formal investigation into Google following allegations that the internet giant has abused its dominant position in the search and advertising market†. Clearly the external factor here concerns monopoly, monopoly is defined as â€Å"†. The monopolist has considerable market power and can determine price or quantity (The Business Environment, Rob Watkins, 2008). 4.2The problem with monopoly is it disrupts the free market because it creates a dead weight loss. Dead weight loss is defined as â€Å"the loss of consumer plus producer surplus in imperfect markets† In this case for example if Google manage to monopolize the advertising industry this will have serious consequence on businesses trying to establish themselves as Google will be able to price how much they went to advertise a company The problem with monopoly is it disrupts the freemarket because it creates a dead weight loss Once u has market domination in that field the business can do whatever they want and don’t innovate because they don’t need to Can act as an incentive Reference Worthington, I., Britton, C. And Rees, A. (2001) Economics for Business, Blending Theory and Practice (Essex): Pearsons Education Limited–for-oil-from-bp-spill-2115657.html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39

Personal statement - Essay Example An MSc in management would help me get a job and possibly good remuneration. I believe that the knowledge and skills I will acquire from Merrick College will help me be in a better position to get more career opportunities. In addition, acquiring an MSc resonates with one of my values, which is to give others and myself the opportunity to develop. I trust that my decision to study at your esteemed institution is one of the best decisions I have made in life. This is because of the best practices as well as reputation in the course and the entire organization. The university offers courses like Management Planning and Control, Business Intelligence and statistical analysis and many more. Moreover, I am interested in MSc management because it will give an opportunity to understand more the management function. I am extremely good at international management, decision making as well as global marketing. Therefore, this course will help me get the bigger picture of international management. There are specific aspects that I am interested in while undertaking the MSc program. One of them being writing a good business proposal as this will help me face future clients with confidence, as I will be able to convince clients through my well-drafted business proposal. In addition, the incorporation of group work in the learning process will help me gain more confidence as participation is important. Moreover, the interactions during discussions will enhance my learning as students learn from one another. My professional network will grow therefore giving me an opportunity to find work in better organizations. My undergraduate program has given me adequate skills necessary for master’s program. I am a committed member in various clubs including the management and leadership club that have grown my leadership skills. I am planning to work as I pursue my masters’ course and this will help me get experience in management. I have both long and long

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why was stable democracy so late in coming to Germany Essay

Why was stable democracy so late in coming to Germany - Essay Example Followed by most nations across the world, the concept of a democracy has been widely accepted as the form of government that allows political freedom to the maximum number of people in a country. It is thus, the most egalitarian form of government in a lot of senses, whatever be its other drawbacks. The popularity of this form of government can be seen in the dissatisfaction that members of non-democratic and authoritarian regimes express with their governments and the revolutions that have happened in history for the establishment of democracies. Such fights have often bore fruit with the result of a greater freedom to the masses of a nation and the distribution of power into a wider pool. Stable democracy has been often defined as one that is able to endure over a large period of time. Some commentators put this at twenty-five years while others prescribe other amounts of time to qualify a democracy as a stable one. This however leads one to the question of whether one may be able to call a democracy a stable one if it meets the condition of durability but is closer in its sensibilities to an authoritarian regime. ... The increase in the importance of industry as a means of producing wealth required the importance to shift from land, which was the case till then. The rise of the bourgeoisie led to the commencement of many revolutions in different parts of Europe that took inspiration from the French Revolution of 1789 (Hobsbawm, 2008). These revolutions accelerated the onset of democracy in many countries, since most of them were based on ideologies that promoted egalitarianism. Following these revolutions, aristocracy died a slow death in most of the countries that they occurred. This was the beginning of a process of transition that led to the establishment of democracy in many countries around the world. Towards the beginning of this process of transition, the bourgeoisie was a revolutionary force that quickened the pace of the transition. However, once the process reached its logical Democracy in Germany/4 conclusion, a state of democracy where these very middle classes held the reins of power , the revolutionary fervor of this class of people quickly died out. This led to a stasis, a condition of stability which helped in the development of democracy into the dominant mode of government all over Europe. There are many conditions that a country needs to fulfill to qualify itself as a stable democracy. The holding of free and fair elections is one of the most major functions of a democracy that seeks the betterment of its people. This procedure enables the people of a nation to elect its own government through a system where they are able to vote. All the citizens of a nation may not be able to vote as some democracies reserve this right for certain sections of the society. For a very long time since the establishment of democracies,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Synthesis Organizational Designs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Synthesis Organizational Designs - Assignment Example Managers together with members work hand in hand in defining the organization’s requirements then form systems for meeting the particular requirements sufficiently. The enhancer offers an assurance that a methodical process is adhered to and facilitates creative reasoning. Today, we find that many organizations have been influenced seriously by the control and command structure of the early military organizations. However, most of them have started adopting the design of bureaucracy whereby duty and power or authority is in form of hierarchical arrangement (Kolb, 2008). Nevertheless, we find that the same fundamental organizational model is believed to be good for any organization, whether it is a church, school, fraternity, business, and government. It is easily predictable, reasonable and familiar. It is only when there exist close similarities in the desired results, methods together with a culture that the fundamental form a single organization be employed or applied to th e other (Jurow and Susan, 2004). Corporate governance is one of the central or core points that the articles talk about. Looking through the explanations and descriptions given as regards corporate governance, we can deduce that the most common or general description that is given is that it involves market and regulatory mechanisms, as well as the relationships and responsibilities between the management of the organization, the shareholders, the board members and some other stakeholders, as well as the objectives for which the organization is run (Schein, 2006). In the readings, we are told that it is fundamental that there is a degree of confidence that linked to a corporation that is believed to have good corporate governance. In addition, the presence of a dynamic group of independent managers or directors on the board brings about immense contribution towards making sure that there is buoyancy in the market.

Monday, August 26, 2019

HIgh Risk Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HIgh Risk Families - Essay Example (2011), pregnancy can develop problem behaviours and increased substance use in teen around 14years of age. This is because of the confounding effect of variables, such as maternal socio-demographic status, mental health and substance use during pregnancy (p.200). During pregnancy, a female undergoes many psychological changes or mood changes. Even matured females are sometimes face problems in adjusting with such mood changes. In the case of teenagers, such mood changes may cause huge damage to their mental health. Depression, anxiety, hallucinations etc are some of the behavioural problems associated with teen pregnancy. It should be noted that the society and family may not welcome teen pregnancy. Under such circumstances, pregnant teenagers may face some kind of isolation both from the family and from the society. Apart from psychological problems, lot of physical problems may occur to pregnant teenagers. Body undergoes huge physiological changes during pregnancy. The immature bo dy of the teenagers may not be able to adjust properly with such changes and subsequently physical problems may arise. Adeyinka, et al. ... Moreover, â€Å"nearly half of all STIs (48%) occur in youth 15 to 24 years of age. In 2008, 17% of new HIV diagnoses were among adolescents aged 13 to 24† (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5). The following table provides a rough idea about the sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. Sexually Transmitted Infection Number of Cases Human Papillomavirus 4.6 million Trichomoniasis 1.9 million Chlamydia 1.5 million Genital Herpes 640,000 Gonorrhea 431,000 HIV 15,000 Syphilis 8,200 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010 (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5) Assessment considerations Teen mothers face lot of social and emotional, psychological and physical problems. Because of pregnancy, teen mothers might not be able to complete their school education. It should be noted that the complications before birth and after the birth of the child may not h elp teen mothers to concentrate on their studies. Lack of education prevents them from securing a decent job. Lack of job will create financial problems to them. Moreover, the children of teenage mothers may not perform well in their studies. The intellectual abilities of such children could be inferior to that of the children of normal mothers. Drop out cases are reported more in the case of children of teenage mothers. Along with these social problems, teen mothers may face lot of psychological and physical problems which were explained earlier in this paper. Family theory related to teen pregnancy Family Stress and Coping Theory seems to be relevant while dealing with teen

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The World is Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The World is Flat - Essay Example However as we analyze the economic competitions, we come to know that there are other different variables to the overall economic competition in the globalized world also. Since information technology provide just one aspect of growth, the availability of skilled labor force, the availability of indigenous sources of raw materials etc are some of the core issues which define the competition within any industry whether at the local and regional level or at the globalized level. The arguments put forward in this should also be analyzed in terms of the arguments put forward by Joseph Stieglitz in his book â€Å"Globalization and its discontents†. The supposed exploitative power of globalization has not in fact flattened the world however it has allowed few more countries to come into its folds to exploit those who lack that capability. It is also further be noted that the writer has quoted the examples of China and India while citing the reasons for flattened world however as of now the Indian economy is sliding back. The brief period of Euphoria seems to be ending as the external events such as surge in oil prices, food inflation as well as shortages of essential commodities have forced to kneel down. This suggest that the flattened world have not allowed to grow in economic terms rather allowed it to grow for brief period of time through speculative activities through stock exchange and real estate boom. Author has largely relied on the development into information technology as well as tele-communication technologies as the main events which have connected the world and created an opportunity for the flattened world. The author has however defined ten most important events which have flattened the world. The fall of the Berlin wall is the first major event which has allowed the start of the flattening of the world

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Communication psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Communication psychology - Essay Example Adequate advertising and promotional activities are the key marketing strategies that increase the brand awareness of every individual product of an organization. Advertising is a tool of marketing communication that used to persuade, encourage and manipulate the Audiences to take some new purchasing decisions. Moreover, the purpose of advertising is to reassure the shareholders or employees that an organization is successful or viable enough (Silvera 2004). The desired result of advertising is to drive the consumer buying behaviour with respect to commercial offering. Commercial advertiser habitually seek to produce increased consumption of their goods and services through branding that involves relating a product logo or product name with certain qualities in the minds of Audiences. Non-profit organizations may depend on the form of persuasion, such as PSA. The non-commercial advertisers who spend capitals to promote their products and services other than consumer goods or services include interest groups, governmental agencies, political parties and religious organizations (Silvera 2004). There are various techniques used in creating an effective advertisement for a product in the market. Advertising is most evident on TV, radio, the internet, newspapers, magazines and many other places. Advertising targets specific people or an Audience in specific places like the billboards, the subway, buses, emails, mailings and in store announcements. Some products also act like advertisements themselves like T-shirts, video games, products in movies, vending machines just to mention a few. The advert aims are to reassure customers who have already purchased the product for its continuous production; customer loyalty, get the attention of non-users to start using, to create an image for a product in the market and finally to persuade the customer to purchase the product (Silvera 2004). Transfer of knowledge and

Data Collection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Data Collection - Assignment Example Besides, using the questionnaire method is the most common form of data collection, wherein individuals are encouraged to convey their point of views based on a structured questionnaire (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck, 2008). The most effective method that would work for the present scenario of nursing is the questionnaire method. Accordingly, the questionnaire needs to be developed with close- ended questions, where the answer will be specific rather than being vague. Moreover, for the respondents as well, it becomes very comfortable to provide feedbacks through the questionnaire, further ensuring proper interpretation of the data gathered (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck, 2008). The sample size should be a minimum of 50 in order to avail a better result from the survey. However, it is desirable to consider a sample size of around 200 to gain a perfect and a firm outcome from the survey. It is also advisable that the sample should be of a random mixture. This should include patients from a variety of genres, based on ages, genders and diseases, in order to obtain an unbiased outcome from the survey. Expectedly, this will help the survey outcome to be highly reliable and with valid standards (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Backlash Against the Feminist Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Backlash Against the Feminist Movement - Essay Example The backlash, according to Trimble's analysis of the phenomenon (cited in Feminism and I am not a feminist, 2008, p. 12), "was born out of the rise of neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism in the 1980s and 1990s." At that point in time, the popular belief was that the movement had successfully accomplished its primary objectives and that Canadian women, as a consequence, had attained a status of absolute equality with males. Women had attained the basic rights for which they had agitated and fought. As the movement had been initiated by the absence of these rights and its goal had been the attainment of these rights, their accomplishment was interpreted as a successful conclusion to the movement. As such, the backlash refers, not to the right of women to equality or their earlier struggle for the attainment of equality, but to the current, "third wave" of feminism (p. 12). The backlash, in other words, is directed against feminism as a socio-political and ideological movement. Canadian women have not, historically, embraced feminism. According to Trimble, O'Neil and Faludi (cited in Feminism and I am not a feminist, 2008, pp. ... This is not simply expressive of the backlash against feminism but of popular rejection of radicalism, coupled with the certitude of gender equality. Quite simply stated, gender equality is an unquestionable principle in Canada and the equality of the sexes is neither contested nor debated. The implication here is that Canadian women do not feel that they have to embrace feminism in order to attain equality and do not embrace it because they are averse to radicalism. From a personal perspective, feminism is not something which I identify with. While I most definitely understand the roots of the movement and acknowledge that were it not for the earlier generations of feminists, I would not be enjoying the freedoms which I take for granted today, I do not understand its present-day purposes or motives. Men and women are equal and this is something which we, as women, no longer need to argue or to prove. The notion that we must constantly prove and argue our equality does not reflect positively on us as a gender and, subjectively speaking, is somewhat demeaning. It seems to say that we are not persuaded of our own equality and therefore, need to constantly remind ourselves and others of it. It is, thus, that I see myself as a human rights advocate but not a feminist. I do not question the equality of the sexes and do not assume that we are not equal. Instead, I question equality between people and whether, in fact, all people, irrespective of colour , class, religion or ethnic heritage, are treated and regarded as equal. As I believe they should, and must, be, I support human rights but not feminism. Royal Commission on the Status of Women The Royal Commission on the Status of Women was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Large industrial facility Essay Example for Free

Large industrial facility Essay 1. Describe how the use of a tall smoke stack might improve air quality near a large industrial facility. Tall smoke stacks built 500 ft or taller can improve air quality for a large industrial facility, by â€Å"releasing air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides high into the atmosphere to help limit the impact† to the near by areas (Air, 2011, p. 2). The use of tall smoke stack is also believed to contribute to a wider spread of air pollutants. 2. How can topography contribute to pollution in a city or region? Topography and weather are big contributors to a city pollutions. Most cities are built in a valley and not on top of a mountain, which makes it hard for the air to circulate. This traps the pollution into an area resulting in a poor air quality. (Factors, n.d.) 3. From where do hurricanes derive their energy? What factors tend to weaken hurricanes? Would you expect a hurricane to weaken more quickly if it moved over land or over cooler water? â€Å"Hurricanes derive their energy from the warm, tropical oceans and by evaporating water from the oceans surface. Heat energy is converted to wind energy when the water vapor condenses and latent heat is released inside deep convective clouds† (Ahrens, 2014, p. 341). Hurricanes can weaken more quickly if it moves over cooler water, because they get their energy from warm tropical oceans. 4. Where is the Bermuda high located during the summer and fall? How might the path of a hurricane, moving toward the west from Africa, be affected by the Bermuda High as the hurricane approaches the United States? During the summer and fall the Bermuda high forms over the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricanes moving toward the west from Africa may increase its intensity as it approaches the United States. The Bermuda High â€Å"not only heats up summer-time temperatures in the East, but the Bermuda High can affect the  intensity of tropical storms and hurricanes† (Bermuda, 2013). 5. How do you think pollutants are removed from the atmosphere? Does this occur quickly or slowly? Pollutants in the atmosphere can be removed by trees and plants. The trees and plants absorb CO2 and other pollutants, then produce oxygen for the atmosphere. The removing of pollutants in the air is a slow progress and some pollutants never go away. Ahrens, C. D. (2014). Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 7th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Air quality. (2011). GAO. Retrieved from Bermuda high is cause of most east coast summer heat. (2013) Weather Bug. Retrieved from Factors affecting air quality. (n.d.) BC Air Quality. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hobbes Argument For A Nasty State Of Nature Philosophy Essay

Hobbes Argument For A Nasty State Of Nature Philosophy Essay In the Leviathan, Hobbes argues for a solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short State of Nature, characterized by a world of perpetual war among men, with no place for justice, law or private property, supported by hierarchies of subordination. The solution for this state, as argued by Hobbes, is the creation of a social contract founded on fear and the surrender of personal rights, including freedom, to a supreme sovereign. In contrast, John Locke argues for a State of Nature characterized by peace, benevolence and mutual help, which includes the notion of private property and is rooted in two natural dispositions: the right to do whatever one pleases within the boundaries of the Natural Law and the right to defend oneself from the offenses of third parties. However, the State of Nature is bound to fall since there is no universality among men to act within the Natural Law, crossing its boundaries. Also, being a judge of its own causes, one can favor ones loved and try to harm ones e nemies. Hence, an institution for the regulation of liberty and own-legislation is needed in order to secure everyones rights, and more importantly everyones private property. According to Hobbes, the differences between men are so minimal that even if some men are greater in strength or intellect, in the end the whole collectivity appears to be homogenously equal. Hence, for Hobbes (as well for Locke) the state of nature starts with a presupposed state of equality among men given by nature (in contrast with the state of equality given by God as argued by Locke). However, men naturally tend to favor power over the others, which force them to engage in conflict and war. Hobbes distinguishes three different causes for the beginning of this conflict: competence, glory and distrust. Competence engages men in a circular fight for power over another, glory gives men the need for reputation, and distrust enables personal security. As it is evident, it is impossible for men to live peacefully without a power of fear that would keep both parties in order. For Hobbes, these circumstances create a state of bellum omnia omnes which makes impossible any progress or mut ual relationship. Nevertheless, Hobbes clearly acknowledges that there has never been a time when everybody is engaged in war with everybody, instead he argues that there has been periods in history full of conflicts and distrust that drags people apart in hostile relationships. In this state of war or conflict, where everybody is trying to gain others property and power, there is no place for justice since justice is not consistent with personal reason but with mutual agreement. The notion of law and justice are absent in Hobbes State of Nature. In order to overcome this unproductive state, Hobbes suggests that there are two different ways: passions and reason. The supreme passion is the fear of death, followed by other passions such as the desire for a comfortable life without conflicts and the hope for gaining goods through labor. These passions are, however, ineffective since the state of war in which men live makes them realize that these goods they are seeking are worthless since there is no way to protect them from the greedy, hostile neighbors (not even their own life is secured in this state). This is the reason why Hobbes introduces the notion of Natural Laws: the First Law: To seek peace and follow it, dictates that every man must look for peace and when peace is unobtainable; he must find and use every advantage of war in order to preserve peace; the Second Law: By all means we can to defend ourselves, rooted in the Scriptures and derived from the First Law, argues that every man must give the others what he asks for, one must give up on its own rights as long as they represent danger to the common good; finally, the Third Law, derived from the Second, urges men to satisfy every contract in which they are engaged in order to prevent conflicts. Hobbes Laws of Nature make evident that there is a possible exit from the state of war since every man is considered equal and holds the same rights under the law (in contrast with Locke, who places these conditions as components of the State of Nature rather than as a possible exit from the state of war). All this circumstances, but most importantly, the coercive fear of the state of war, forces men to engage in a kind of social contract which implicates an absolute trespassing of ones rights, including a total surrender of personal liberty (in contrast with Lockes civil society which is born to safeguard personal liberty), to a sovereign person or institution of people hoping in exchange for a state of order and security to seek, create and maintain peace. Hobbes adds that this sovereign person or institution of people must have the power to exercise fear upon every member of the contract in order to keep them within the boundaries, giving birth to the notion of the Leviathan and a clear support for the monarchic system (in contrast with Lockes criticism against the Monarchy). According to Locke, the idea of the State of Nature is given in order to understand the notion of political power. For Locke, men are naturally in a state of perfect freedom, where they are able to decide over his actions, property and will. However, in contrast with Hobbes definition of liberty (the absence of external impediments), liberty is not completely free of boundaries or external impediments, men are tied to the boundaries of the law of nature when exercising their right of liberty. As Locke would say, This be a state of liberty, yet it is not a state of license. Men are also in a state of equality, given by God through the distinction that no man is greater than the others, preventing any type of hierarchies or subordination (as Locke would argue when discussing the notion of slavery or conquest or through his criticism against the monarchic system). In contrast with Locke, Hobbes argues that even if there is a state of homogeneous equality, it is this state which gives me n the possibility to invade others property and life (This is indirectly a claim for the Monarchy, which gives a man a higher status in order to act upon everybody else, allegedly seeking for order and peace). Due to these circumstances, everyone must look for his own preservation (or life) and for the preservation of all men. Rooted in the idea of self-preservation is Lockes notion of punishment and self-defense are components of the State of Nature. In the State of Nature everyone is free to ask for reparation and restraint, creating the concept of punishment as a way of self-execution of the Law. Punishment, as argued by Locke, must be proportional to the offense, from point where one is able to appropriate the goods or services of the offender, by right of self-preservation to the point where one is not only able but forced to punish the crime by murdering the offender by the right he has of preserving all mankind. As it has been said, Lockes State of Nature appoints man as a free self-legislator within the Natural Law. However, this State, just as Hobbes state of perpetual war, is bound to result unproductive collectively. First, since there is no particular agreement among all mankind to act within the boundaries of the Natural Law, transgressions are likely to happen re-creating a Hobbean state of war between the transgressor and the others. Second, the fact that one is self-legislator of the Law of Nature might cause biased decisions to favor one (self-love) or ones friends over ones enemies. Locke argues that in order to prevent this scenarios God creates the institution of the Civil Society governed by a civil government. This point is a direct criticism to Hobbes support to the monarchy where Locke argues that the system is just a recreation of the second scenario. For Locke it is inconceivable that mankind must surrender its liberty to a sovereign, since everybody is equal by birth and law. As Locke says, How much better it is than the state of nature, where one man, (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) has the liberty to be judge in his own case and may do to all its subjects whatever he pleases, without the least liberty to anyone to question or control those who execute his pleasure? This is where the need for society is born. Society, as argued by Locke, is born to amend the difficulties of the State of Nature where a man is judge of his own case and there is no regulation of liberty in order not to become license. This regulation, however, does not equal with the surrender of liberty requested by Hobbes to end with the state of war. For Locke, the civil government is born to preserve liberty (with liberty comes private property, even in the State of Nature) in its pure form, while for Hobbes liberty is taken away in order to preserve peace. While for Hobbes men are naturally in a state of war, for Locke the state of war appears when one transgresses other peoples private property. While Locke includes private property as inherent to liberty (hence, as component of the state of nature) and argues for the preservation of private property through the social contract (which might be tacit or consent as both philosophers acknowledge), for Hobbes the notion of private property is only imaginable when men have abandoned the state of nature. While for Hobbes there is no certain reliance on theological terms, Locke appears to claim for Heaven where there is no explanation to back up his concepts. While for Hobbes there cannot be morality (hence no justice) in the State of Nature, for Locke morality is given by the Law of Nature. While Lockes State of Nature argues for the revolution against the monarchy (since it represents the State of Nature), Hobbes insists that the only way to escape from the State of Nature is monarchy. While both arguments are convincing, Lockes State of Nature is more plausible. First, Locke acknowledges the existence and preservation of liberty upon everything else. Without liberty, even if liberty must be constrained by the Natural Law or reason, there cannot be a social contract, since as Hobbes says; a contract made by coercion is void. Second, in reality, the nature of man is not to cause conflict, there is no perpetual struggle among everybody everywhere as Hobbes says. Hobbes state of nature fails to explain the existence of love, good will, charity, solidarity, and other values that we witness every day. Also Hobbes fails to recognize the influence of rearing and culture as factors which might shape the natural state of man. Finally, Locke makes clear that even when most people may act within the boundaries of the Natural Law while in the State of Nature, there are possibilities that an aggressor might be found. In contrast, Hobbes attaches an absolute value to the nature of man implying that it is always good or bad. (1885 WORDS)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Organisational Audit Of T Mobile Management Essay

Organisational Audit Of T Mobile Management Essay According to Kourdi, Business Strategy is the plans, choices and decisions used to guide a company to greater profitability and success. An inspired and clearly considered strategy provides the impetus for commercial success, whereas a weak or misunderstood strategy may lead to a company going out of business. Understanding what constitutes strategy is therefore crucial in developing a successful business, as is avoiding the tendency to label every plan and decision strategic when most are about implementing strategy rather than setting it. Equally important is for a strategy to be clear and effectively communicated to everyone with a role in implementing it, and to shareholders and other stakeholders. For the purpose of this assignment, my chosen company is the T-Mobile. History and Background of T-Mobile T-Mobile UK is a joint French and German-owned mobile network and mobile broadband operator in the United Kingdom. It is owned and operated by Everything Everywhere, the UKs largest mobile network. T-Mobile UK started life as Mercury One2One, a GSM mobile network operated by the now-defunct Mercury Communications. Later known simply as One2One, it was the worlds second GSM 1800 network when it was launched in September 1993. In its final days it was operated as a joint venture between Cables and Wireless and American cable provider Mediaone Group, which had a number of investments in Britain dating back to its days as the US West Media Group. One 2 One was purchased by Deutsche Telekom in 1999 and rebranded as T-Mobile in 2002. On 1 April 2010 Deutsche Telekom and France Telekom finalized the deal to merge their UK based operations, causing Orange UK and T-Mobile UK to cease to exist, although the brands was maintained for at least 18 months. On 11 May 2010 it was announced that both the Orange and T-Mobile brands would remain on British high streets, although their new merged parent company will be called Everything Everywhere  [1]  . The T-Mobile brand is present in 11 European countries   Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany (as Telekom), Hungary, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom, as well as the United States, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Globally, T-Mobile International subsidiaries have a combined total of approximately 150 million subscribers, making the company the worlds third-largest mobile-phone service provider by subscribers and the third-largest multinational after the UKs Vodafone and Spains Telefà ³nica. T-Mobile offers both pay-as-you-go and pay-monthly contract phones. The pay-monthly contracts consists of set amounts of minutes and flexible boosters which allow the customer to change them month-to-month depending on their needs. Prior to this T-Mobile had a contract option known as Flext, which gave the user an amount of money to use for calls, texts, MMS and mobile internet as necessary. (Wikipedia, 2012) 3.0 The challenge that T-mobile is facing T-Mobile is the largest mobile service providers in UK. They are at the moment facing severe competition from other service providers such as 3G, Vodafone, Virgin, O2. Competition is coupled with other environmental factors that create a very challenging market for them. The current situation (Riots August 2011) in UK, the increasing debt situation in US and Europe had further worsened the business environment, which makes it unsuitable for business like T-Mobile to grow. The situation is quite alarming and it is high time for T-Mobile to act and tackle the above serious problem. In delaying to do so, would definitely give opportunity to competitors to take the lead. 3.1 The Business Strategies for T-Mobile In reference to the problem above, several strategies can be implemented by T-Mobile during this recession period. Doing nothing is not an option and passivity will only make things worse. At a starting point, T-Mobile would have to make sure that all the strategies that would be agreed upon would have to be in line with its Mission and Vision. Mission and Vision are the inspiring words that would assist T-Mobile to focus in a particular direction by keeping its values. The following are the two business strategies of T-Mobile that need to be implemented. 3.1.1 Concentrate on continuous support to customers. T-Mobile is dependent on their revenue-paying customers and cannot afford to stand by while those customers decline. One-way to make sure T-Mobile survives the economic downturn is to keep focusing on the customers. In a down economy people focus their spending on companies they trust most, as they get choosy. Customers need to be valued, not just for their money, but also for whom they are. In order to do this, T-Mobile has to make sure that its staffs are addressing the customers need for a strong sense of belonging and significance. For instance, make sure that staffs are positive and proactive with complaints rather than negative and reactive. Leaders of a large consulting firm have told their staff that they should worry more about their clients than about themselves, thinking up ways their clients can survive, even if every microsecond isnt billable. Generosity might not bring anything now, but help to position for the future, hopefully with healthier customers and bigger ideas. The big threat to T-Mobile is its competitors such as; 3G, Virgin, Vodafone, O2 and others and without any doubt, the competitors are also working on strategies of how to survive the down turn. So, T-Mobile has to try its utmost in delivering outstanding services to its customers. 3.1.2 Expand in other countries. Other than the two strategies above, T-Mobile can consider expanding in other part of the planet where recession is not present and where the markets are on great demand and wide. The secret to survive a recession is opportunity recognition. The first step in opportunity recognition is to know and believe that there will always be opportunity for those who seek and pursue it. Having focussed a lot in the European market and USA since its existence, T-Mobile might consider penetrating the UAE and Asia markets. For instance, China and India with its high population are two countries that are developing at a rapid pace. T-Mobiles good reputation in the Europe and USA is a good reason for other countries to welcome its presence. Sometimes, it is best method to move away from the recession zone and built from scratch for a better result other than keep fighting in the bush with less profit or no profit at all. Having branches also around the globe would support other branches that are in trouble such as recession, high inflation, political and legal implication or even natural disasters. The strategic plan above addresses the what which is the answer for the challenges that T-Mobile are facing, the why and as from this point the implementation will address the: who, where, when, and how. The Organizational Audit of T-Mobile The first and foremost task that needs to be done in order to implement the above strategies is the gathering of information in relation to the strategic plan. Organisational audit or strategy audit is to arm T-Mobile managers with the tools, information, and commitment to evaluate the degree of advantage and focus provided by their current strategies. An audit produces the data needed to determine whether a change in strategy is necessary and exactly what changes should be made. T-Mobiles actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well it is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to external market, competitor and financial realities. Thus, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of an organizational audit. The following are the steps that T-Mobile will have to analysed and at the same time make the necessary adjustment before venturing. Ammunition has to be made available before reaching the battlefield otherwise it will be a disaster before venturing. Before Implementation An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of T-Mobile An analysis of the political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal aspect that can impact T-Mobile strategic plan An examination of T-Mobiles stakeholders and how to bring them more closer to achieve the goal as one body Making sure that resources such as: human, financial, physical and information resources are available and ready to achieve the objectives together During Implementation Ensuring an honest and solid integration between departments. All the elements in the business plan; the mission, vision, values, goals, strategy and behaviours need to be understood by each and everyone. Simultaneously, commitment and support are needed throughout the process at all management levels: strategic, tactical and operational level. After Implementation Proper monitoring to make certain that targets are achieving in the time frame set and rectifying any issues that may arise in order for the implementation to be a success The SWOT Analysis of T-Mobile An examination of the strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats of T-Mobile, also called the SWOT analysis. Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) are considered to be internal factors over which T-Mobile have some measure of control whereas Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) are considered to be external factors over which it has essentially no control. SWOT analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific business model that will best align an organizations resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. According to David (2006) a SWOT analysis involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieve that objective. (David, 2006) Strengths The qualities that enable T-mobile to accomplish its mission T-Mobile has been able to create strong brand equity and also made itself recognized across the Europe and the US. Customers are familiar with the T-Mobiles brand; they hold a strong positive and distinctive bond with its name. T-mobile has been able to establish 4G  [2]   network bases in Europe and the same is growing in US. Thus, having a step ahead over its competitors. T-Mobile has got numerous alliances with industry leading corporations in mobile services technologies, allowing it to offer better services to its customers accordingly. For instance, Comcast Cable and T-Mobile USA, Inc. has announced a strategic marketing alliance to offer the T-Mobile Hotspot Wi-Fi Internet service to Comcasts nearly five million high-speed Internet customers. Thus, Comcast customers can experience the convenience, reliability and value of a T-Mobile wireless broadband connection when theyre away from home, via Wi-Fi, at the more than 4,000 T-Mobile Hotspot locations nationwide. (,2012) T-Mobiles has been able to position itself as the third largest mobile company in the world. T-Mobile has rightly chosen its slogan Everything Everywhere. The two words define T-Mobile purpose on the planet, which instantly create some kind of attachment and curiosity to existing and new customers respectively. T-Mobile was first to introduce Google-based phone in the UK, using android technology Weaknesses Weaknesses are the qualities that prevent T-Mobile from accomplishing its mission and achieving its full potential. T-mobile has no presence in the key emerging markets of the world although it is classified as the third largest mobile company in the world. Customers have reported complaints in They faced issue such as no signal and dropped calls on the roadside, where there was good coverage for other carriers. (, 2011) Coverage of network is not prominent in some areas. It some areas it is intermittent where as in some areas it is simply dead coverage of network. Customers are moving from one mobile service to another and brand loyalty is not present in the customers. Retention of customers strategy is absence. Offering limited bandwidth to its customers. The cap of 500 MB restrained T-Mobile subscribers from using the Internet freely. Opportunities The environment within which T-Mobile operates presents Opportunities Increasing 4G-network coverage in the UK would make T-Mobile stand out from the crowd. 4G, also known as LTE (long term evolution), are the next evolution of mobile network technology. With the customer base that keeps growing steadily, T-Mobile can could easily surprised the world one day to climb the ladder from third to first largest mobile company in the world. T-Mobile could probably expand in ASIA, instead of concentrating only in Europe and the US. China, India and UAE are the key parts in ASIA that T-Mobile could consider expansion. T-Mobile could also amalgamate with other mobile company as it did with Orange mobile company. Thus, more mobile company under the same umbrella Everything Everywhere. Threats Threats arise when conditions in external environment jeopardize the reliability and profitability of T-Mobile Intensifying competition in the UK market. For instance, Virgin Company, 3G mobile Company, O2 and Vodafone Company are the direct rivals of T-Mobile, which T-Mobile has to be very vigilant of. Economic slowdown in the European Union and the US had an adverse effect on T-Mobile. People become very choosy and cautious when it comes to spend money during those economic crises. Proper strategy is important in order to retain and attract new customers. European Union regulation on cross-border cell phone usage by customers (managementparadise, 2011). Sometimes or most of the times Government regulations can be bad for business, such as T-Mobile. 6.0 PESTEL Analysis of T-Mobile After an examination of the SWOT analysis is done, a PESTEL analysis of T-Mobile is essential. They are both commonly used together to get a better understanding of the competitive and economic environment, but they represent two contrasting approaches. SWOT analysis differs from PESTEL in the sense that, it is more flexible and can be applied to various forms of business functions where as PESTEL analysis is more nonconforming, used only to fully understand the implications of entering a new market. PESTEL Analysis is a convenient tool to analyse the macro-environment, which is also called the far environment. PESTEL is an acronym that stands for Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal. It is used for determining the opportunities and risks of global expansion. Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal issues often differ domestically and even more so internationally. Hence, it provides a strong framework to set the stage to develop specific tactics to mitigate the risks involved in executing vision in unfamiliar environments such as in strategy (3.1.2) above, expansion in a different country. Political, Government and Legal Forces: Political influences relate to government or constitutional policies that may affect a business and so do legal forces. There were a number of regulatory hurdles that were overcome before the merger was agreed of T-Mobile and Orange. It was by no means guaranteed that UK competition authorities would have approved the deal without some stringent requirements, such as obliging the operators to help to provide rural broadband coverage. These were met and the merger took place back in 2010. (itvoir, 2011). The governments current policies are unable to handle the current riots, which is a direct threat for a healthy business environment, and may affect T-Mobile. So, the actual place of operation are experiencing political, governmental and legal issues representing a barrier for growth. Due to these, T-Mobile has to consider moving in other countries where their political, government and legal system are favourable to operate and grow without any hurdles. T-Mobile would have to make sure that the intended country is politically stable as well its legal system. Economical: With economic downturn, the interest rates are at low of 0.5pc. (telegraph, 2010). This is a great opportunity for the consumers in the form of low lending rates. The government is encouraging consumers, which would ignite the stagnant economy. Now this is a good sign for T-Mobile network in two ways. Firstly, they can borrow at lower rates and secondly, it will increase the consumer buying power as the low rates ignite the economy. But for now the market is quite stagnant and increasing market share looks a bit difficult. (123helpme, 2011) Infact, the strategy of expanding in another country has emerged due to the economic situation that are prevailing in the Europe. Companies including T-Mobile are finding themselves in turmoil to move a step ahead. The economic situation of the intended country needs to be analysed carefully before venturing. Socio-cultural: Socio-cultural influences encompass such factors as class, age and gender, demographics as well as issues such as culture   both local and international and diversity. When T-Mobile started with its Short Messaging Service (SMS), it was the beginning of the mobile multimedia era. T-Mobile also offers Multimedia Messaging (MMS) Service, which enables customers to send and receive picture messages. Both SMS and MMS are popular among women and are seen as a social tool for interact (Mintel, 2011) .In the summer of 2002, T-Mobile launched their GPRS (General Pocket Radio Service) which has seen great success ever since. Customers of T-Mobile generally gain access to the most up-to-date handsets, which are very admired for mobile-conscious people. With increasing trends towards the Android based mobiles and tablets, a new market has emerged. Online application stores require high-speed connectivity; this has increased the usage of Wi-Fi and Internet based services. Thus, a whole new market for T-Mobile to emerge. Approximately 20% of the population lives without a mobile phone. Not being heavy users of mobiles-by their nature, retired people need less mobile contact than those still going to work. Age groups beyond 55 figure little in to the marketing objectives and advertising targets of the mobile industry. But it will come a day where the older generation will be influenced and find the use of mobiles a necessity. (mintel, 2011) It is now easier to switch networks more frequently particularly because handsets are now offered free as part of the service when customers sign up to a 12, or more recently 18-month contract. Exceptionally with private customers (not businesses), they can sometimes have their line rental discounted for a number of months depending on the length of agreement. T-Mobile also offers Fix It option, which allows customer to choose their own free minutes and free text messages according to their usage. Technological: Better performance and faster mobile Internet speeds with T-Mobile supercharged 4G networks. Its three times faster than standard 3G.4G network that offers blazing-fast average download speeds of 10Mbps and peak speeds of up to 27Mbps. The market is competitive but T-Mobile is coping well and offering the best to its customers with new 4G networks. T-Mobile can also consider alliances with other companies that already have already a telecommunication backbone / structure. Both together, hand in hand can offer an excellent service to their subscribers. For instance, T-Mobile and COMCAST in USA came together to better serve their customers. A quote from (newsroom.tmobile, 2012): Comcast Cable and T-Mobile USA, Inc. today announced a strategic marketing alliance to offer the T-Mobile Hotspot Wi-Fi Internet service to Comcasts nearly five million high-speed Internet customers. With todays announcement, Comcast customers can experience the convenience, reliability and value of a T-Mobile wireless broadband connection when theyre away from home, via Wi-Fi, at the more than 4,000 T-Mobile Hotspot locations nationwide. As part of this strategic marketing alliance, Comcast high-speed Internet customers will receive a special offer when they sign up for T-Mobile Hotspot through their Comcast portal homepage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Comcast customers who subscribe to the T-Mobile Hotspot service can surf the Web, check email or view streaming media at wireless broadband speeds with a Wi-Fi enabled laptop or PDA at T-Mobile Hotspot locations These kinds of alliances would rapidly spread the name of T-Mobile around the intended country. Environmental: Although there is no evidence that they are harmful to public health, transmitter masts are regarded by many as an unwelcome presence in the environment, especially when they are close to schools. Discarded handsets also constitute an environmental problem because of the hazardous materials they contain. For a better world for youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is T-Mobiles environmental motto (t-mobile, 2011). The aim is to minimize their business impact on the environment and all T-Mobile companies in Europe have implemented environmental management programs in order to reduce waste and energy consumption. Other solutions how to safeguard a green environment is continuously reviewed. As demands of new technology increases, more base stations is inevitable but T-Mobile recognizes genuine public concern over mobile communications phones and network infrastructure. Nevertheless, it is worth for T-Mobile to check if its presence would cause any environmental issues in the intended country. The significance of Stakeholders Diagram from Having known the information about the macro-environment, it is also vital to analyse T-Mobiles microenvironment (Stakeholders), which is also referred to the near environment. As can be seen from the diagram, an organisation is surrounded by both the near and the far environment. Any alteration in them has an impact on the organisation. According to Ryan (2004), a stakeholder is anyone who has a financial interest in a particular business and according to (2009), a stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organizations actions, objectives and policies. Some examples of key stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. T-Mobile has the following stakeholders: Customers Competitors Suppliers Staffs Investors and Shareholders Creditors 7.1 Loyal customers are the lifeblood of businesses and in order to retain them, T-Mobile has to spend time and listen to their customers when developing strategies. They have to get closer to their customers to better understand their needs and concerns and to anticipate their desires. Customer requirements are constantly changing as lifestyles keep on changing. Adding up to the down turn, attention should be more focussed as explain in strategy at (3.1.1) above. Customers should become the focal point as T-Mobile need them to at least survived in such a difficult period. Customers become choosy before spending a penny and their expectations are high too. So, T-mobile has to provide an outstanding and a unique service, which is not comparable to their competitors. Customers should not get the chance or should not at all attempt to make a complaint like in the examples in (3.1.1) instead all the good words should be heard from customers. Failure to do so would compel customers to look for other alternatives, such as looking for another providers, which can be done at a click on the Internet. In relation to the second strategy, the approach to customers would defer. T-Mobile has to research about the market, the culture, the buying pattern, the cost and standard of living. T-Mobile should get the trusts and build a good relationship of the new market right at the beginning. There should be proper marketing, deals and offers to attract the new market. 7.2 An awareness of the competitors position in the market place needs to be known. To do that, a competitive analysis needs to be performed and the diagram below might help. It analyses the strength in four important areas such as: Creativity, level of service, the cost that might incurred and the reputation position. Diagram from Competitive analysis of the marketplace demonstrated that the major competitors had a poor reputation and were not perceived to be innovative or adding value. Hence, helping T-Mobile to be at the forefront of the game. For instance, the android technology was a good shot for T-Mobile. The latter is famously known to be the first provider to introduce it. 7.3 Other forces that can have an adverse effect on the changes are the suppliers. Without suppliers support, businesses including T-Mobile would not be able to survive or even exist. The bargaining power of suppliers and the actions they take can directly influence an organization. So, an excellent relationship is imperative and long terms reasonable contract should be maintained between T-Mobile and its different suppliers to gain competitive edge over its competitors. For examples, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericson, Alcatel are among its suppliers. 7.4 Staffs sayings, interests and contribution are also vital to T-Mobile growth. Workforce is directly impacted on an organizations performance. In an economic downturn, employees become increasingly anxious about job security and financial worries, satisfaction with the job they have, commitment to their company and engagement with their work are all affected detrimentally. This trend could be self-fulfilling in that disengaged employees could have a negative impact on T-Mobiles products or services and lead to its decline, which would inevitably see the company failing. The employees concerned are about whether or not they would keep their jobs and whether or not they would be compensated if their company did not survive the recession. So, T-Mobile has serious reason to be concerned about the emotional well being of their employees by constantly motivating them, involving them, re-assuring them, appreciating them and rewarding them. 7.5 Investors and shareholders concern are necessary to consider, as they are injectors of capitals and cash into the business. Their main concern is the success of the business without interfering about the mechanisms to make it successful. All the answers about how to tackle potential risks need to be explained to them in order to reassure the return on their investments. Recently T-Mobile USA has failed to impress the MetroPCS Communications shareholders, which has disrupted a merger between them due to a fall in revenue by 5.9% to $ 4.9 billion. (, 2012). Well, thats a bad example to convince the other parties to join T-Mobile. Confidence is very important to investment in a recession. 5.6 Creditors are also important stakeholders who definitely have an interest in T-Mobile growth. If they were not willing to lend more money then the latter would be in deep dilemma. So, good credit scoring, positive financial statement such as profit loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement would be desirable to convince creditors for the ongoing money borrowing. Good professional relationships with the stakeholders and regularly interacting with the stakeholders are crucial for project completion. Organizing regular meetings with stakeholders, accompanied by documentation, will help boost the confidence levels of shareholders. Lack of regular communication with stakeholders will instill in the minds of the stakeholders needless apprehensions and unfounded fears. Thus, the above stakeholders analysis is crucial to T-Mobile, as any sort of reluctance on their behalf would have an adverse effect, which may to lead to losing subscribers and goes bankrupt. 8.0 Resource Requirements to Implement the Strategy for T-Mobile Another aspect that is fundamental for T-Mobile to look at before actually implement the above strategy is the availability of resources and allocating them effectively for the benefit of the strategy. To organize the operational process of a Company, resource is a basic element of that company. A resource or set of resources helps organization to obtain competitive advantage. When the resources are combined they can lead to the formation of competencies and capabilities. According to Kourdi (2009), A better approach is to adopt a rigorous, dynamic and time-based view of resources, the factors driving success or failure. That is, success is determined by whether resources strengthen or decline. 8.1 Human resource: Having just a pool of staffs is not enough but a well trained and experience team is needed. The first stage of implementing the strategy plan is to make sure to have the right people on board. The right people include those individuals with required competencies and skills that are needed to support the plan. In the months following the planning process, expand employee skills through training, recruitment, or new hires to include new competencies required by the strategic plan. If T-Mobile cannot afford to recruit then to reinforce the workforce, re-shuffling of employees to perform different jobs is important. This can be done through job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. It is also a mean to motivate staffs, as the latter feel valued in knowing and performing different tasks. T-Mobile has to ensure high morale at works, involving staffs in decision-making, creating team spirits, providing good working environment and friendly frequent meeting. In short, T-Mobile should create an environment that connects employees to the organizations mission and that makes them feel comfortable. To reinforce the importance of focusing on strategy and vision, reward success. The rewards may be big or small, as long as they lift the strategy above the day-to-day so people make it a priority. T-Mobile directly employs around 36,000 people. It has 300 retail shops and 13 million mobile customers. (T-Mobile, 2011). They are the part of the biggest mobile operator (Everything Everywhere) In UK. (bizyahoo, 2011). It has a young, enthusiastic and trained workforce across the country that can be re-shuffling to work in other countries if T-mobile is considering expanding in other countries like China. Since the workforce is young, they will be easily adept to the new technology of the merging company, for instance, Blackberry. 8.2 Financial resource: T-Mobile would need to have sufficient funds. The answer to this would be analysis of the Balance sheet. Stakeholders support like Shareholders, investors and creditors support are primary a

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Grinch Essay -- Psychoanalysis Therapy, Video

According to an online article that I read regarding psychoanalysis therapy, it is said to be very helpful in dealing with those who have personality disorders and neurosis. â€Å"Psychoanalysis therapy basically aims to find associations between the unconscious constitutents of patients’ mental process, by tracing out associations between the mind and mental process, all so in a systematic way† While watching the video regarding the Grinch there are a few different things that come to my mind as I watch this. One big thing that comes to my mind which has already been stated in the video that we had to watch is the fact that he appears to be depressed, and irritable. Another thing that was mentioned on the video is the possibility that the Grinch may be suffering from some type of seasonal disorder causing the irritation. The Grinch relates to the psychoanalytic therapies in a few different ways. First, let’s talk about the psychoanalytic therapy which Corey (2009) says is â€Å"a model of personality development and an approach to psychotherapy. He gave psychotherapy a new look and new horizons, calling attention to psychodynamic factors that motivate behavior, focusing on the role of the unconscious, and developing the first therapeutic procedures for understanding and modifying the structure of one’s basic character† (pg. 60). How can I relate this therapy model to the Grinch? Well looking at the Grinch he appears to want nothing more than to ruin Christmas for the whos. Which to me this shows a sign of aggression and I guess of being destructive if you look at it this way. The Grinch didn’t have any insight into the happiness of Christmas for the whos’. He wa... ... been a lot of studies that have evaluated and exampled this approach. A downfall that could be given in this approach would be the training and experience of the professional working with the clients. In conclusion, these psychoanalytic approaches all have their pros and cons to each approach as we go through them. Each of these approaches also can be used to describe and compare therapy techniques with the Grinch. It was interesting to see the difference that these three approaches all had. I believe that there has been some significant information that was positive out of all of them as well as some negative ones. One never knows as they are first meeting with clients what the real issue is until they get into the sessions a little more. It is important to find an approach that is proper and would assist an individual who may not be willing to be counseling.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Essays: Oedipus Rex and Antigone :: comparison compare contrast essays

Oedipus Rex and Antigone  Ã‚   There is no curse on the house of Oedipus. Because of the many terrible things that happen to the members of Oedipus's family, a reader might be led to believe that there is such a curse. However, if that person examines the stories of Oedipus Rex and Antigone more closely, he or she will find that the reason so many tragedies happened to Oedipus's family is not because of some curse, but rather because of one common thread. Each person in the line of Oedipus tries to defy authority in one way or another. Oedipus and Jocasta both defy the authority of the gods by trying to run away from a prophesy of theirs, which results in Jocasta's death and Oedipus's dethroning and downfall. Antigone defies the authority of the king by violating his edict, which results in her death. In Ismene's case, the authority that is defied is that of the moral law, and for that she has to live out her days with guilt and regret. The authority which Oedipus and Jocasta defy is the same. Both the king and his mother defy the authority of the gods by trying to evade their edict. The edict states that a son would be born to Jocasta who would marry his mother and kill his father, as Oedipus says, â€Å"How mating with my mother I must spawn a progeny...having been my father's murderer.† (OEDIPUS, Oedipus, 44). When Jocasta hears of this, she attempts to kill the baby Oedipus, thus trying to escape the prophesy. Similarly, when Oedipus, as an unmarried adult, hears that he would kill his father, he runs away from his home town, Corinth, never to return. Oedipus and Jocasta both defy the gods' authority, which in this case comes in the form of running away from a menacing prophesy. In the end, however, Jocasta dies and Oedipus is overthrown and ruined. Like her parents, Antigone defies a powerful authority. Unlike her parents though, that authority is not of the gods, but rather of a person who thinks he is a god: Creon, Antigone's uncle, great-uncle, and king. He proclaims that the body of Polyneices, Antigone's brother who fought against Thebes in war, would be left to rot unburied on the field, â€Å"He must be left unwept, unsepulchered, a vulture's prize....† (ANTIGONE, Antigone, 192). Antigone, enraged by the injustice done to her family, defies Creon's direct order and buries her brother.

To Kill A Mockingbird: Scene Analysis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An important scene found in the movie To Kill A Mockingbird is a scene concerning Mr. Tate recoiling upon the outcaste, Boo Radley, and unraveling a new perception of friendship. Atticus Finch (played by Gregory Peck), his daughter Jean-Louise Finch, also known as Scout (played by Mary Badham), and Boo Radley (played by Robert Duvall) all play an important role in the scene. As scout relates what had happened, she notices a man in the corner of the bedroom behind the door. She identifies the mysterious man as the one who grabbed Mr. Ewell and carried Jem home when she says, â€Å"Why, there he is Mr. Tate. He can tell you his name . . .† The sheriff, Mr. Tate, moves the bedroom door revealing in the light a frightened, gentle, and pale Boo Radley. And as he conveys a loving look, Scout gazes at him and smiles. In the meanwhile, Atticus had already introduced Scout to Boo. Then, Scout and Boo hold hands and walk over to the side of Jem’s bed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The challenge of taking a novel and translating it into film falls into the work of the screenwriter. The Academy Award winning screenplay was faithfully adapted by screenwriter Horton Foote from the 1960 novel of the same name, To Kill A Mockingbird. For the most part, Foote utilizes Harper Lee’s words. There is, however, one noticeable formality seen in the movie and not in the book. This formality takes place when Boo appears and Atticus states, â€Å"Miss Jean-Louise . . .† Her name does not appear this way in the book but does in the movie in order to exert a certain idealistic fervor of the Finch household that belongs in every household that adults should be respectful and well-spoken.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A screenplay is entirely useless unless if there are actors to bring it to life. When Mary Badham leans against the bedpost and wraps her hands around it, she is implying that, at least at first, there is reason for Scout to fear Boo. But then Mary Badham puts her hand out towards Boo effectively inviting him back into society. And when the young six-year-old actress smiles, Robert Duvall (playing Boo) immediately enters a relaxed state which demonstrates the character’s affection and trust of children. During this time, Atticus (played by Gregory Peck) pulls out a handkerchief as a sign of nervousness, and also to imply that men feel very uncomfortable during emotional situations.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Power of Single Story

A Story Creates a Strong Power: Adichie and King’s Critiques of the Power of the Story, especially the Single Story Many stories matter to our lives and our ways of thinking. A story is the only way to activate part of our brain and then make the listeners turn the story into their own idea and experience (Widrich 4). As we know, our lives and our cultures are composed of many overlapping stories. When we are being told a story, things change dramatically. Once we have heard a story, we may always make it as our own knowledge.Then we would like to retell this story to others by verbal form, or turn it into a show or a movie. Every time we retell a story, we like to change some details into what we want or the way we understand. As a result, after the story has being retold a thousand times, the story may be changed into a different story. If we take in all the stories we have heard, then we might risk a misunderstanding adventure. Think about that: if our president gives a spe ech without any researches and just from others’ stories, then how would people think about him. His speech would just be a joke, and will lose credibility.Therefore, we need to be very careful about the story we heard and the story we are going to tell others, especially if it is a single story. In some cases, the dominant story often becomes a single story, which makes the story be curious and dangerous. Chimamanda Adichie and Thomas King both showed us the importance of the story and the danger of a single story. They showed that the single story makes the differences in people stand out. In Chimamanda Adichie’s Tedtalk, â€Å"The Danger of Single Story,† she begins by telling us a story about what she would think about reading a novel as a child.She would then write stories that were similar to the foreign stories she had read, which contained white skinned children with blue eyes who were nothing like her. Until she found African stories is when she realize d that people like her could be in stories (Adichie). Many times, we would feel the same way as Adichie felt. Stories have a power to set us in a dangerous opinion when we are talking about countries, nationalities, religions or any human group. If we hear or read stories about a part of the world, we would tend to perceive that part of the world as the stories describe the whole orld. For example, Chimamanda Adichie eloquently tells us if she had not grown up in Nigeria and if all she knew about Africa were from popular images, she too would think that Africa was a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals, and incomprehensible people fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to speak for themselves, and waiting to be saved by a kind, white foreigner (Adichie). However, how many of us hold the same definitions and images as Adichie’s story of Africa? Instead, many people continue to be fed the other side of those stories.Those stories describe Arica a s a continent that is full of poverty, disease and the constant fighting. Thus, those stories we receive make us feel certain emotions, like pity, toward the people that live in those places. As Adichie said that stories have been used to â€Å"dispossess and to malign but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of the people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity† (Adichie). A story is endowed with a very story power. Adichie also warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.She said that â€Å"the single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story† (Adichie). When hearing a story, the invaluable lesson is that by only hearing a fraction of the truth (whether in the media, in school, or in popular culture), we are creating damaging misr epresentations. The reason is that â€Å"when we show people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again and that is what they become† (Adichie). That is the consequence of the single story about a person, place, or issue.A single story is an incomplete description and it robs people of dignity and emphasizes how different people are. On the contrary, by engaging with all the stories of a person, place, or issue, the trap of a single story can be avoided. Adichie could have looked at the Mexican and the U. S. side of the immigration issue, so she would have balanced the stories and not fallen into the single story trap. Anything we have experienced, we can get others to experience the same. By simply telling as story, the world would plant ideas, thoughts and emotions into people’s mind.That is the reason why story is very powerful and we all need to be careful about every story. In the Truth about Stories, novelist Thomas King explored how stories identify wh o we are and how we understand and interact with other people. From personal experiences to creation stories, King illustrate how stories have shaped and continue to shape our societies, as well as our personal mythologies and therefore our choices in life. He begins with the story about the earth and how it floats in space on the back of a turtle.People was been told that the earth was on the back of a turtle and there were infinite turtles below that turtle (King 1). It is a single story for us, but it is also very powerful for us for the reason that we could never forget this story even though it is not reality for some people, while it is a belief for others. â€Å"The truth about stories is that that’s all we are† (King 2), no matter they are fairy tales or nonfiction. A true story shows us our true world; a fairy tale leaves us with the hope that we can create a better world.King’s mother, for example, was living in an era when women were not welcome in th e workforce. After her husband left their family alone, she had to be â€Å"visible† and self-supporting as a man. She worked very hard among a man’s world, but she was treated unfair. When she went to her supervisor for an answer on unequal treatment, she was told that if her work was good, she would get promoted at the end of the first year. Then she waited and waited for many years, and that year never came up. However she still believed that â€Å"the world as a good place where good deeds should beget good rewards† (King 4) was possible (King 2-4).It is the story that forced her how her life would be. It is also the story that she believed that gave her hope and energy to fight back the unfortunately life. The truth is that every story is endowed with power. As for King’s father, it was another different story. King never knew why his father left his family, but his brother told their family the truth that his father had another family in another pla ce. King would never forgive his father for deserting him and his family, so he told people that his father was dead.As King said, â€Å"a part of [him] had never been able to move past these stories, a part of [him] would be chained to these stories as long as [he lives]† (King 5-9). This story shows us how stories can control our lives and affect our minds. King was chained to this single story of his father and could not move from it. No matter what reasons or other stories he had been told later as to why his father left him, he would not heal his painful heart. Thomas King warns us that we have to be careful with the stories we tell, and we have to watch out for the stories that we are told. Stories are wondrous thing, and they are dangerous† (King 9). Another example, King compares two creation stories: one Native and one the Christian genesis story. The Native story is very animated and full of dialog. King described in detail how the first woman fell from the sk y and created the world by cooperating with other animals. It places us right in the thick of things. The Christian creation story was just told and sterner. However, this Bible creation story has in many ways become the single story. For example, other cultures like mine, we do not think the human was created by Adam and Eve.We believe in another story about how Pangu opened with body made heaven, earth, moon and stars, and how NuWa used soil and water to create man. Most western people do not know the Native creation story and other cultures’ stories, thus see others as less than the Bible story (King 10-22). â€Å"If we believe one story to be sacred, we must see the other as secular† (King 25). We would be less likely to doubt a story that is stranger to us because new things can always attract us and make us feel curious and interested.Nonetheless, we would not believe sometimes sine the stories we learnt before have already rooted in our mind and can never be rep laced. This is the power of a story and how stories create a framework for understanding the world around us. When we tell stories to others that have really helped us shape our thinking and way of life, we can have the same effect on them too. The power of stories identifies who we are and who we are going to be, no matter what cultures we have or what religion we believe. We are not born to know everything. All we know is from many stories that have been told over and over again.The message of seeing a culture or people from many different points of view, or from many different stories, rings true once you spend time actually there in person. We have all experienced this, and might even be unaware of the line between what we believe to be true and what is actually authentic. As educated adults, it is sometimes difficult to get our news from various sources and perspectives. We can seek out stories on-line, speak with people from both sides and analyze issued using various sources to gain understanding of many angles that compose a subject.We all need to open our eyes and look at the whole picture not the single story, since stories can create power that push us into a dangerous situation. Works Cited Adichie, Chimamanda. â€Å"The Danger of the Single Story. † TED Talk, 2008. King, Thomas. â€Å"The truth about Stories. † Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2005. Widrich, Leo. â€Å"The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. † Communication, what storytelling does to our brains, Dec 5, 2012.