Friday, August 9, 2019

Write a summary of a report on trade theory and tarifs for a team of Essay

Write a summary of a report on trade theory and tarifs for a team of newly hired International Managers. What are the important points you would highlight in this report - Essay Example rights on a global scale, through the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and the recent significant agreements that have been signed under the WIPO’s umbrella. Similarly, it is also important to realize the influences of the latest multilateral trade negotiations that have occurred such as the TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights System) Agreement’s accession with the aspect of Intellectual Property (World Trade Organization). By doing so, one can derive the combined advantages of the practicalities of Intellectual Property Right Systems and the TRIPS agreement. The last aspect that holds immeasurable importance in the regard of the subject at hand is the telecommunication regime that is becoming increasingly directed by the evolution of Information Technology on a global scale. All these aspects come to together to have direct affects upon areas such as international air transport and global trade, the structural characteristics of the airline industry alongside the implementation of public policies and the involvement of the International Civil Aviation Organization in this regard. The discussion however would not be complete without an understanding of the framework that the General Agreement on Trade in Services provides under the flag of the World Trade

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