Monday, August 26, 2019

HIgh Risk Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HIgh Risk Families - Essay Example (2011), pregnancy can develop problem behaviours and increased substance use in teen around 14years of age. This is because of the confounding effect of variables, such as maternal socio-demographic status, mental health and substance use during pregnancy (p.200). During pregnancy, a female undergoes many psychological changes or mood changes. Even matured females are sometimes face problems in adjusting with such mood changes. In the case of teenagers, such mood changes may cause huge damage to their mental health. Depression, anxiety, hallucinations etc are some of the behavioural problems associated with teen pregnancy. It should be noted that the society and family may not welcome teen pregnancy. Under such circumstances, pregnant teenagers may face some kind of isolation both from the family and from the society. Apart from psychological problems, lot of physical problems may occur to pregnant teenagers. Body undergoes huge physiological changes during pregnancy. The immature bo dy of the teenagers may not be able to adjust properly with such changes and subsequently physical problems may arise. Adeyinka, et al. ... Moreover, â€Å"nearly half of all STIs (48%) occur in youth 15 to 24 years of age. In 2008, 17% of new HIV diagnoses were among adolescents aged 13 to 24† (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5). The following table provides a rough idea about the sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. Sexually Transmitted Infection Number of Cases Human Papillomavirus 4.6 million Trichomoniasis 1.9 million Chlamydia 1.5 million Genital Herpes 640,000 Gonorrhea 431,000 HIV 15,000 Syphilis 8,200 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010 (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5) Assessment considerations Teen mothers face lot of social and emotional, psychological and physical problems. Because of pregnancy, teen mothers might not be able to complete their school education. It should be noted that the complications before birth and after the birth of the child may not h elp teen mothers to concentrate on their studies. Lack of education prevents them from securing a decent job. Lack of job will create financial problems to them. Moreover, the children of teenage mothers may not perform well in their studies. The intellectual abilities of such children could be inferior to that of the children of normal mothers. Drop out cases are reported more in the case of children of teenage mothers. Along with these social problems, teen mothers may face lot of psychological and physical problems which were explained earlier in this paper. Family theory related to teen pregnancy Family Stress and Coping Theory seems to be relevant while dealing with teen

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