Sunday, August 25, 2019

The World is Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The World is Flat - Essay Example However as we analyze the economic competitions, we come to know that there are other different variables to the overall economic competition in the globalized world also. Since information technology provide just one aspect of growth, the availability of skilled labor force, the availability of indigenous sources of raw materials etc are some of the core issues which define the competition within any industry whether at the local and regional level or at the globalized level. The arguments put forward in this should also be analyzed in terms of the arguments put forward by Joseph Stieglitz in his book â€Å"Globalization and its discontents†. The supposed exploitative power of globalization has not in fact flattened the world however it has allowed few more countries to come into its folds to exploit those who lack that capability. It is also further be noted that the writer has quoted the examples of China and India while citing the reasons for flattened world however as of now the Indian economy is sliding back. The brief period of Euphoria seems to be ending as the external events such as surge in oil prices, food inflation as well as shortages of essential commodities have forced to kneel down. This suggest that the flattened world have not allowed to grow in economic terms rather allowed it to grow for brief period of time through speculative activities through stock exchange and real estate boom. Author has largely relied on the development into information technology as well as tele-communication technologies as the main events which have connected the world and created an opportunity for the flattened world. The author has however defined ten most important events which have flattened the world. The fall of the Berlin wall is the first major event which has allowed the start of the flattening of the world

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