Sunday, August 11, 2019

Email Marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Email Marketing - Coursework Example Transaction emails is always the best as it is based upon customer’s action. An email template is basically a HTML statement. It has several benefits; it allows for the design element to be used in the company’s newsletter, following the company’s web site design and incorporating social media like Facebook. The template also save time creation if well designed hence reducing trafficking. Email template can be created using HTML which can be used to send messages, compose messages, save message and reuse the message when need arises. Office outlook, Images, links and even text can also be added as new information before sending e-mail messages. The following steps are useful in creating the template. Since the creation of template is general form and not directed to specific recipient. The e-mail can be made specific by adding subject line and some key points. The subject line will be free health tips for diabetes awareness. In order to avoid spammed the company should be able to get the specific email address of their recipient. This can be done by allowing different people to register into their website with their email

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